It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Face Time

The holidays are here and, though you wouldn't know it from the ring of fire surrounding our office, a good time to get some face time with your agents.  I know it is daunting to add one more thing to your day, but this is the time we are most social and your chance to spend time with the people who represent you.  The business slows down near the holidays.  We have a bit more time to sit and chat with you.

This isn't about gifts.  You can come and hand out holiday cards.  Just come and see your agents and let them see you.  This is your opportunity to meet members of the staff you have not met yet.  Got a new haircut?  Come in and show us.  We are happy to see you.

It can be daunting.  You walk into your agents office with a gift basket from Costco and your agent has twelve huge baskets surrounding them.  You feel like yours doesn't matter or stand out.  We appreciate any gesture.  Come in with a plate of cookies, or if you really want to stand out, bring fruit or real food that isn't laced with sugar.  But I can tell you this, we aren't clocking what people bring.  We appreciate the gesture.

Now one caveat to that.  If you made a lot of money, get your agent something nice.  Keep in mind that most agents work for a larger company and are not owners, they did not get any of that huge commission you paid the agency.  The only crappy holiday gifty things that I remember, when I worked at Abrams Artists and was not an owner, were clients making mid six figures that would get me a gag gift or a Starbucks gift card for $25.

But I reiterate that it isn't about gifts, it is abut you getting in and making a connection with your agent.  You have so few chances, why miss the obvious one.

Just one asshole's opinion.


  1. Just discovered your blog after watching a YouTube SAG panel video you're in from 2015. Thanks for the great advice and the laughs :) Also, I was just at Costco, and they've really stepped up their gift basket game this year.


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