
Showing posts from August, 2018

So You're Saying There's a Chance?

Episodic season is upon us and it is really the best chance you have as a work a day actor to getting in the room and advancing your career.  Unlike the myth of pilot season, which I addressed in a previous post, episodic season is ripe with opportunities.  Here casting is more willing to take chances.  The stakes aren't quiet as high.  They have time to pre-read you or look at your reel.  Casting isn't looking for someone who can carry a series on their shoulders, but someone who can service the story.  Don;t get me wrong, you will still be competing against actors with tons of credits, but at least you can get in the room.  You should especially concentrate on long running shows.  Shows that have been on for many seasons have used up the pool of multi credited actors.  They want to bring their producers new faces.  After multiple seasons show runners get bored by the same actors.  Fresh new faces, who can act, are a gift to castin...